Results and other information
This is the detailed information we used to plan everything behind the scenes. Since the award ceremony has been shown, we have no reason to hide it any more.
Least Hated Game of the Year the game /v/ hated the least
- [1624] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [1623] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [1622] Bastion
- [1621] Sonic Generations
- [1620] Portal 2
- [1619] Ghost Trick
- [1618] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1617] Bastion
- [1616] Deus Ex Human: Human Revolution
- [1615] Batman Arkham City
- [1614] Dark Souls
- [1613] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [1612] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1611] Saints Row the Third
- [1610] Dark Souls
- [1609] Monster Girl Quest
- [1608] Mario Kart 7
- [1607] Dead Space 2
- [1606] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- [1605] Ace of Spades
- [1604] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1603] Dungeon Defenders
- [1602] Serious Sam 3 : BFE
- [1601] Portal 2
- [1600] Disgaea 4
- [1599] Ghosttrick
- [1598] Anno 2070
- [1597] Bastion
- [1596] Ghost Trick
- [1595] Monster Girl Quest
- [1594] Sonic Generations
- [1593] Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- [1592] Binding of Isaac
- [1591] Monster Girl Quest
- [1590] Radiant Historia
- [1589] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1588] Xenoblade Chronichles
- [1587] Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- [1586] Dead Space 2
- [1585] Serious Sam 3:BFE
- [1584] Bastion
- [1583] Dark Souls
- [1582] Ys Seven
- [1581] Dark Souls
- [1580] Monster Girl Quest
- [1579] Mario Kart 7
- [1578] Dark Souls
- [1577] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1576] Terraria
- [1575] Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
- [1574] Super Mario 3D Land
- [1573] Terraria
- [1572] Ghost Trick
- [1571] Battlefield 3
- [1570] Batman: Arkham City
- [1569] Magicka
- [1568] inFamous 2
- [1567] Bastion
- [1566] Skyward Sword
- [1565] Half Life 2
- [1564] DOTA 2
- [1563] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1562] Monmusu Quest
- [1561] Violated Heroine
- [1560] Super Deepthroat
- [1559] Left 4 Dead 2
- [1558] Batman: Arkham City
- [1557] Space Engine
- [1556] Serious Sam 3
- [1555] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1554] Dark Souls
- [1553] Portal
- [1552] Mother 3
- [1551] Cave Story
- [1550] Xenoblade Chronicles
- [1549] Monster Girl Quest
- [1548] Skyrim
- [1547] The Binding of Isaac
- [1546] DOTA 2
- [1545] monster girl quest
- [1544] Dark Souls
- [1543] Pushmo
- [1542] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1541] Batman Arkham City
- [1540] Deus Ex HR
- [1539] Portal 2
- [1538] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [1537] Nothing.
- [1536] Kirby Return to Dreamland
- [1535] Ghost Trick
- [1534] Dark souls
- [1533] Terraria
- [1532] Monster Girl Quest
- [1531] Ghost Trick
- [1530] Rayman Origins
- [1529] Ghost Trick
- [1528] Portal
- [1527] Ghost Trick
- [1526] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- [1525] Portal 2
- [1524] Dark Souls
- [1523] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [1522] Kirby's Return to Dream Land
- [1521] Skyward Sword
- [1520] Monster Girl Quest
Most Hated Game of the Year the game /v/ hated the most
- [1449] Minecraft
- [1440] Minecraft
- [1366] Dragon Age 2
- [1334] Minecraft
- [1333] Dragon Age 2
- [1310] Modern Warfare 3
- [1264] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [1262] Skyrim
- [1261] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1253] Dragon Age II
- [1244] Modern Warfare 3
- [1218] terraria
- [1211] fortresscraft
- [1144] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1115] dead island
- [1072] Dragon Age 2
- [1038] Minecraft
- [1037] cowadooty
- [941] MW3
- [938] Dragon age 2
- [916] Dragon Age II
- [914] Minecraft
- [913] Douk Forever
- [853] Modern Warfare 3
- [805] fable iii
- [792] skyrim
- [791] Dragon Age 2
- [763] Minecraft
- [729] Dragon Age 2
- [725] Rage
- [724] Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SW:TOR )
- [723] Dragon Age 2
- [698] ultimate marvel vs. capcom 3
- [696] marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds
- [691] Minecraft
- [688] Skyrim
- [662] dragon age ii
- [656] duke nukem forever
- [636] Dragon Age II
- [572] Dragon Age 2
- [537] MW3
- [532] Dragon Age 2
- [518] Duke Nukem Forever
- [509] star wars: the old republic
- [498] Minecraft
- [435] Dragon Age 2
- [409] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [217] Cave Story 3D
- [215] Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
- [170] Uncharted 3
- [169] Dark Souls
- [140] Minecraft
- [139] League of Legends came out years ago, while it does get a lot of hate it wouldn't be right to nominate it because of the temporal circumstances.
- [138] Battlefield 3
- [137] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [136] Homefront
- [135] Homefront
- [134] Battlefield 3
Game of the Year game of the year, all years, for 2011
- [1448] Sonic Generations
- [1446] Kirby Return to Dreamland
- [1439] Catherine
- [1438] Sonic Generations
- [1437] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1436] Batman: Arkham City
- [1435] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [1434] The Witcher 2
- [1427] Dark Souls
- [1365] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1332] Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- [1331] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1309] Skyrim
- [1266] Battlefield 3
- [1263] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1259] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1257] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [1256] Monster Girl Quest
- [1254] Dark Souls
- [1243] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1220] legend of queen opala ii - episode i
- [1143] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1142] Dark Souls
- [1074] The Witcher 2
- [1073] Monster Girl Quest
- [1042] Monmusu Quest
- [1036] Dungeon Defenders
- [992] Xenoblade
- [949] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [946] Witcher 2
- [912] Trine 2
- [911] Deus ex: Human Revolution
- [910] Rayman Origins
- [909] Dark Souls
- [908] Sonic Generations
- [902] Skyrim
- [841] Saints Row The Third
- [837] Dark Souls
- [833] Deus Ex HR
- [827] The Witcher 2
- [823] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [790] witcher 2
- [745] Mario Kart 7
- [744] Super Mario 3D Land
- [731] Skyward Sword
- [728] Witcher 2
- [715] Sonic Generations
- [704] DOTA2
- [633] The Legend of Groose: Skyward Pompadour
- [631] The Legned of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [629] Dark Souls
- [628] Witcher 2
- [571] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [528] Dark Souls
- [526] serious sam 3 BFE
- [508] Serious Sam 3: BFE
- [493] Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- [492] batman: arkham city
- [434] Dark Souls
- [416] Bastion
- [406] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [379] dungeon defenders
- [342] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [328] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [293] Skyrim
- [287] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [259] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [218] Dota 2
- [214] Pushmo
- [202] Skyward Sword
- [201] Dark Souls
- [171] Also, bastion. Again, people cant seem to complain about this game, its just fucking great.
- [23] Monster Girl Quest
- [22] Portal 2
- [21] El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- [20] Skyrim, because I want to see a bunch of rage on /v/ when it loses to Skyward Sword. Or Witcher 2.
- [19] Naughty Bear
- [18] Dark Souls
- [17] Shogun 2
- [16] Bastion
- [15] Dungeon defenders
great rts/action rpg... thing. I've never seen anyone complain about it AT ALL on /v/, anywhere. - [14] Batman Arkham City
- [13] MGQ
- [12] Bastion
- [11] Skyrim, I personally enjoy it. And judging by the amount of threads there have been about it, so does /v/.
- [10] Skyrim
- [9] FUCK U PUT SKYRIM. Any game that I can put 60 hours in deserves better that sanic!
- [8] Bastion.
- [7] Batman Arkham City
Hipster Dev Award for developer we hate now
- [1441] Mojang
- [1367] BioWare
- [1336] Naughty Dog
- [1335] Bioware
- [1311] Bioware
- [1304] team ninja
- [1303] ubisoft montreal
- [1302] kojima productions
- [1301] valve corporation
- [1300] bethesda softworks
- [1291] ea digital illusions ce [dice]
- [1268] Bethesda
- [1267] Epic Games
- [1249] Mojang (not jeb though)
- [1148] Bethesda
- [1147] BioWare
- [1146] Activision
- [1145] Capcom
- [1126] Notch
- [1070] Notch
- [1046] Mojang
- [1044] DlcWare
- [936] Notch
- [929] Mojang
- [928] Bioware
- [852] Notch/Mojang
- [795] BioWare
- [793] valve
- [750] mojang
- [748] Notch
- [730] Mojang
- [697] Mojang
- [671] Bioware
- [670] Electronic Arts ( EA )
- [660] bioware
- [584] Bioware
- [573] Bioware
- [534] Mojang
- [522] Notch
- [519] capcom
- [502] Mojang
- [439] Bethesda
- [410] Mojang
- [403] Mojang
- [395] Mojang/Notch
- [312] Mojang
- [299] Notch
- [272] Mojang
- [263] Mojang
- [254] Notch
- [252] Markus Persson (Notch)
- [242] Notch
- [227] Mojang
- [219] Mojang
- [210] Mojang
- [204] Mojang
- [199] Notch
- [196] Mojang
- [133] Notch
- [132] Capcom
- [131] Andrew Spinks
This is all you need to see: - [130] capcom
- [129] Volition
- [128] Volition
- [127] Should be Mojang and Bethesda.
Sort of OK Dev Award for developer of the year
- [1442] Eidos Montreal
- [1370] GSC Game World
- [1369] CD projekt
- [1368] Valve
- [1340] Codemasters
- [1339] Naughty Dog
- [1338] Sucker Punch
- [1337] Bethesda
- [1312] DiCE
- [1285] grasshopper manufacture
- [1284] konami computer entertainment tokyo
- [1271] Nintendo
- [1270] Dice
- [1269] From Software
- [1209] CD Projekt Red
- [1208] Obsidian Entertainment
- [1153] Vigil Games
- [1152] id Software
- [1151] Nintendo
- [1150] From Software
- [1149] Arc System Works
- [1049] From
- [1047] CDProjekt
- [945] Rocksteady
- [944] DICE
- [943] Bethesda
- [921] DICE
- [920] Two Tribes
- [915] Valve
- [892] CD Projekt
- [887] Valve
- [843] CD Projekt RED
- [794] obsidian
- [732] Nintendo
- [674] Naughty Dog
- [673] From Software
- [672] CDProjekt
- [659] WayForward
- [644] Nintendo
- [643] Valve
- [641] CDProjekt
- [638] From Software
- [579] Eidos Montreal
- [546] rocksteady
- [540] From Software
- [536] Rocksteady
- [525] Croteam
- [513] Eidos Montreal
- [440] FROM Software
- [412] Rocksteady
- [283] Bay 12
- [231] Eidos-Montreal
- [175] WHOOPS I MEANT JUST "Atlus"
- [173] Atlus USA
- [6] Valve
- [5] Atlus
- [4] Supergiant Games, creators of Bastion
- [3] Platinum Games
- [2] Edios Montreal
- [1] Atlus
Karl Marx Award for most capitalistic publisher
- [1443] Mojang
- [1372] Activision
- [1371] EA
- [1341] Activision
- [1313] Mojang
- [1306] atlus
- [1305] tecmo koei
- [1273] Activision
- [1272] EA
- [1248] THQ - (dow II skins, dow II skins everywhere)
- [1210] Mojang
- [1154] Bethesda
- [1052] UbiSoft
- [1051] EA
- [990] EA
- [947] Activision
- [925] Ubisoft (rayman $60)
- [854] EA
- [845] Ubisoft
- [781] Activision
- [755] Ubisoft
- [752] Activision
- [751] EA
- [746] nintendo
- [711] Crapcom
- [665] Namco
- [664] Electronic Arts ( EA )
- [645] EA
- [630] square enix
- [620] sony computer entertainment
- [597] ubisoft
- [580] Activision
- [578] 2k games
- [577] UbiSoft
- [569] konami
- [568] electronic arts
- [561] bethesda
- [557] microsoft
- [553] capcom
- [550] activision
- [541] THQ
- [538] EA
- [533] Ubisoft
- [531] Activision
- [529] EA
- [441] Activision
- [411] Zynga
- [364] Mojang
- [286] Mojang
- [240] Mojang
- [155] Activision
- [154] Activision Blizzard
Alright Publisher Award for publisher of the year
- [1444] Nintendo
- [1374] Eidos
- [1373] CD Projekt
- [1342] Bethesda
- [1314] Square Enix
- [1274] Bethesda
- [1231] Bethesda
- [1156] Nintendo
- [1155] Square Enix
- [1053] Namco
- [962] Valve
- [878] Ubisoft, no really
- [734] Nintendo
- [663] Atlus
- [648] warner bros. interactive entertainment
- [637] bethesda softworks
- [544] Bethesda
- [542] >Publishers >Good >Implying
- [442] Valve
- [417] Square Enix
- [390] Nintendo of Europe
- [232] Square-Enix
- [228] Valve
- [174] Atlus USA
- [40] Sony
- [39] Bethesda
- [38] THQ. I'm kind of surprised to see them in the Karl Marx category, seeing as they have consistently published "niche" titles and are one of the few publishers that don't actively try to fuck over PC gamers.
- [37] Platinum Games
"My Eyes are Bleeding" Award for worst graphics
- [1519] Minecraft
- [1517] Minecraft
- [1516]
- [1515] Red Orchestra 2
- [1512] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1511] Minecraft
- [1510] Minecraft
- [1509] Minecraft
- [1508] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1507] Dragon Age 2
- [1506] Duke Nukem
- [1505] Rage
- [1504] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [1503] minecraft
- [1502] Minecraft
- [1501] Minecraft
- [1500] Jurassic Park: The Game
- [1498] Modern Warfare 3
- [1497] Minecraft
- [1496] for FRAMES
- [1495] Dark Soul's blight town
- [1493] Minecraft
- [1490] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1489] Rage
- [1488] Minecraft
- [1487] Minecraft
- [1485] Minecraft
- [1483] SWTOR
- [1482] Minecraft
- [1474] Skyrim
- [1459] Minecraft
- [1380] Dragon Age 2
- [1375] COD: MW3
- [1343] Minecraft
- [1315] Modern Warfare 3
- [1278] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1215] fortresscraft
- [1159] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1158] Dead Island
- [1157] Minecraft
- [1081] RAGE
- [1054] Dragon Age 2
- [964] Douk Forever
- [888] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [855] Minecraft
- [780] Dragon Age 2
- [765] Dragon Age 2
- [759] Cave Story 3D
- [757] minecraft
- [727] star wars: the old republic
- [726] duke nukem forever
- [721] marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds
- [716] dragon age ii
- [709] Skyrim
- [647] Dragon Age II
- [642] Minecraft
- [616] Minecraft
- [606] Skyrim
- [604] Minecraft
- [585] Minecraft
- [582] Skyrim
- [548] Rage
- [444] Dragon Age 2
- [433] Minecraft
- [431] RAGE
- [425] Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction
- [420] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [419] Skyrim
- [418] Ace Of Spades
- [153] Terraria
- [152] Duke Nukem Forever
Stylish Aesthetics Award for best aesthetics / art style
- [1460] Bastion
- [1377] Alice Madness Returns
- [1376] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1344] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1316] Trine 2
- [1277] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1276] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [1275] Dark Souls
- [1260] Bastion
- [1219] legend of queen opala ii - episode i
- [1160] inMomentum
- [1132] Ghost Trick
- [1131] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1130] Pokemon B/W
- [1129] Portal 2
- [1128] Bastion
- [1127] Terraria
- [1062] Trine 2
- [1056] Harveys neue Augen
- [1040] alice: madness returns
- [1017] Assassin's Creed Relevations
- [995] Xenoblade
- [966] Trine 2
- [965] Bastion
- [876] Rayman Origins
- [864] Sonic Generations
- [857] Deus ex: human Revolution
- [856] Brawl Busters
- [847] Trine 2
- [786] Alice: Madness Returns
- [785] Batman Arkham City
- [784] The Witcher 2
- [783] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [777] bastion
- [773] halo: combat evolved anniversary
- [767] deus ex: human revolution
- [762] dark souls
- [761] the elder scrolls v: skyrim
- [760] rage
- [758] batman: arkham city
- [737] mortal kombat
- [736] Alice: Madness Returns
- [735] Skyward Sword
- [733] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [667] Dark Souls
- [666] Bastion
- [627] Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
- [567] The Witcher 2
- [565] Trine 2
- [564] Trine 2
- [563] Trine 2
- [562] Trine 2
- [560] Trine 2
- [559] Trine 2
- [558] Trine 2
- [552] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [483] El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- [448] Rayman Origins
- [423] Dark Souls
- [422] Bastion
- [421] Witcher 2
- [415] ZYZZ
- [378] the legend of zelda skyward sword
- [369] Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [338] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [335] RAGE
- [334] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [329] Journey
- [324] Dota 2
- [321] Guild Wars 2
- [295] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [290] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [274] Trine 2
- [269] The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings
- [253] Battlefield 3
- [250] Rock of Ages
- [249] El Shaddai: Ascension of The Metatron
- [176] Catherine
- [126] Solatorobo
- [125] El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- [124] Catherine
- [123] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [122] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [121] Catherine
Grafics Cat Award for best technical graphics
- [1379] Battlefield 3
- [1378] The Witcher 2
- [1345] Dirt 3
- [1317] Battlefield 3
- [1232] Battlefield 3
- [1162] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1161] RAGE
- [1057] The Witcher 2
- [999] Xenoblade
- [968] Witcher 2
- [923] Battlefield 3
- [862] The Witcher 2
- [858] Battlefield 3
- [842] The Witcher 2
- [776] forza motorsport 4
- [775] Battlefield 3
- [771] battlefield 3
- [769] batman: arkham city
- [586] Witcher 2
- [555] Crysis 2
- [486] El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- [450] Battlefield 3
- [429] RAGE
- [428] Battlefield 3
- [426] Witcher 2
- [414] Metro 2033
- [384] L.A Noire
- [380] The Witcher 2
- [372] Witcher 2
- [361] The Witcher 2
- [346] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [308] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [302] The Witcher 2 , where is it?
- [301] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [267] The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings
- [264] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [226] The Witcher 2
- [222] The Witcher 2
- [172] Forza 4
- [63] The Witcher 2
- [61] The Witcher 2
- [60] The Witcher 2
- [59] Witcher 2
- [58] Witcher 2
- [57] Overgrowth
- [55] Rage
- [54] The Witcher 2 needs to be on here, honestly I've never seen a game even look half as good as this. Fucking fuck dick shits.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Award for least convincing voice acting
- [1518] Skyrim
- [1514] Two Worlds II
- [1513] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [1499] Dead Island
- [1494] Skyrim
- [1492] Call of Juarez: The Cartel
- [1491] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1486] SWtoR
- [1484] Dungeon Defenders
- [1461] Skyrim
- [1456]
- [1381] Dark Souls
- [1346] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1321] Dead Island
- [1318] Skyrim
- [1308] saints row: the third
- [1279] Skyrim
- [1163] Dead Island
- [1133] Dewk Newkum FO EVA
- [1088] dead island
- [977] Douk Forever
- [958] Xenoblade Chronicles british dub
- [848] catherine
- [787] the elder scrolls v: skyrim
- [669] Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SW:TOR )
- [650] The 3rd Birthday
- [608] Skyrim
- [607] Super Mario Land 3D
- [588] Skyrim
- [453] Dragon Age 2
- [437] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [382] Rift
- [160] Dark Souls
- [159] Hyperdimension Neptunia
- [158] Arnold Schwarzenegger in Skyrim
Golden Voice Award for the best voice actor / actress
- [1453] Narrator(Bastion)
- [1386] Kevin Conroy
- [1383] Elias Toufexis
- [1382] Mark Hamill
- [1347] Nolan North
- [1280] Mark Hamill
- [1245] mark hamill - joker - batman: arkham city
- [1236] Elias Toufexis
- [1233] Steve Blum
- [1165] The Witcher 2
- [1164] Trine 2
- [976] Mark Hamill
- [972] Nolan North
- [957] Stephen Merchant
- [942] Duke
- [866] Logan Cunnigham as Rucks in Bastion
- [738] Steven Merchant
- [653] Nolan North
- [589] Mark Hamill
- [587] Kevin Conroy
- [566] Elias Toufexis (Adam Jensen: DX:HR)
- [551] Logan Cunningham
- [463] Charles Martinet (Paarthurnax/Mario)
- [457] Elias Toufexis (Adam Jensen)
- [449] Logan Cunningham (Narrator, Bastion)
- [438] Bastion
- [401] J. K. Simmons (Cave Johnson)
- [363] Tara Strong (Harley Quinn, Batman: Arkham City)
- [357] Tara Strong (Harley Quinn)
- [309] Steve Shellen (David Sarif)
- [270] Kevin Conroy (Batman)
- [180] Ara Ara (Alice the Monster Lord)
- [85] >glasdos
- [84] Stephen fry (narrator, littlebigplanet 2)
- [83] The dude that makes Carl Johnson's voice in Portal 2
- [82] Cole Phelps, brah.
Best Voice Acting Award for best general voice acting in a game
- [1462] Bastion
- [1385] Batman: Arkham City
- [1384] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1348] Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- [1319] Saints Row The Third
- [1235] Elias Toufexis
- [1168] The Witcher 2
- [1167] Trine 2
- [1059] Dawn of War 2: Retribution
- [1013] Batman Arkham City
- [979] Skyrum
- [978] Uncharted 3
- [810] battlefield 3
- [801] the witcher 2: assassins of kings
- [798] Mark Hamill
- [797] batman: arkham city
- [796] Peter Blomquist
- [739] Portal 2
- [668] Portal 2
- [657] Nolan North as The Penguin
- [655] Nolan North as Nathan Drake
- [646] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [596] dark souls
- [575] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [466] Dark Souls
- [459] Uncharted 3
- [452] Killing Floor
- [383] L.A Noire
- [358] Mark Hamill (The Joker, Batman: Arkham City)
- [317] Bastion
- [310] The Witcher 2
- [305] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [291] Logan Cunningham
- [236] The Witcher 2
- [235] Portal 2
- [234] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [221] LA Noire
- [213] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [212] Portal 2
- [197] Portal 2
- [179] Monster Girl Quest
- [178] Dark Souls
- [177] Catherine
Hamburger Helper Award for terrible writing
- [1463] Skyrim
- [1388] Skyrim
- [1387] Dragon Age 2
- [1320] Dead Island
- [1216] Pokemon B/W
- [1214] Minecraft ending
- [1169] Dragon Age 2
- [1089] dead island
- [1043] World of Warcraft
- [985] FEAR 3
- [982] Rage
- [907] Jennifer Heplar
- [870] Dragon age 2
- [860] Hamburger Helper
- [840] duke nukem forever
- [831] l.a. noire
- [815] dragon age ii
- [747] Dragon Age 2
- [719] The End of Minecraft
- [712] Dragon Age 2
- [710] Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SW:TOR )
- [611] Dragon Age 2
- [576] Battlefield 3
- [468] Skyrimjobs
- [467] Dragon Age II
- [461] Dragon Age 2
- [359] Magicka
- [307] Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- [266] L.A. Noire
- [166] Dragon Age II
- [165] Hamburger Helper
- [164] Call of Duty: Black Ops
- [163] Ace Combat: Assualt Horizon
- [162] Saints Row 3
- [161] Bulletstorm
Planescape Award for great writing
- [1464] Monmusu Quest
- [1390] Portal 2
- [1389] Alpha Protocol
- [1349] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1322] Trine 2
- [1252] deus ex: human revolution
- [1171] The Witcher 2
- [1170] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1060] Bastion
- [987] LA Noire
- [984] Uncharted 3
- [983] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [963] Witcher 2
- [868] To the Moon
- [846] batman: arkham city
- [844] the elder scrolls v: skyrim
- [740] Portal 2
- [654] Limbo
- [581] Portal 2
- [474] Batman: Arkham City
- [471] Ghost Trick
- [470] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [469] Witcher 2
- [371] Witcher 2
- [356] The Witcher 2
- [319] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [318] The Witcher 2
- [273] The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings
- [239] The Witcher 2
- [220] The Witcher 2
- [184] Violated Heroine
- [183] Monster Girl Quest
- [89] Bastion
- [88] The Witcher 2
- [87] >u3
>good writing
yeah no fucking way. - [86] Catherine
Press X to Win the Award for most awful gameplay
- [1392] COD: MW3
- [1391] Dragon Age 2
- [1323] Modern Warfare 3
- [1287] Dead Island
- [1230] Dragon Age 2
- [1213] fortresscraft
- [1173] Dead Island
- [1172] Minecraft
- [1093] from dust
- [1092] marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds
- [1077] Dragon Age II
- [1064] Crysis 2
- [1063] Mass Effect
- [1058] SWTOR
- [988] Minecraft
- [956] Uncharted 3
- [905] Duke Nukem Forever
- [850] dragon age ii
- [849] fable iii
- [779] Dragon Age 2
- [707] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [651] Batman: Arkham City
- [590] Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3
- [583] Dead Island
- [477] Dragon Age II
- [476] The Cursed Crusade
- [475] Dragon Age 2
- [473] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim(jobs)
- [458] Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- [451] Dragon Age II
- [413] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [392] Jurassic Park: The Game
- [385] Dragon Age 2
- [333] Dragon Age 2
- [296] Crysis 2
- [294] Bulletstorm
- [288] Final fantasy 13-1
- [258] Battlefield 3
- [241] Alice Madness Returns
- [237] The Portal 2 ARG
- [230] Dragon Age 2
- [149] Dragon age 2 nothing could be worse
- [148] Dragon Age II
- [147] Skyrim
- [146] Minecraft
- [145] Dragon Age II
- [144] Call of Juarez: The Cartel
It was such a pile of shit. - [142] Saints Row:The Third
Only game that lets you buy invulnerability through the course of normal play.
"Actually Kind of Fun" Award for best gameplay
- [1473] Dark Souls
- [1454] Terraria
- [1447] Sonic Generations
- [1445] Kirby Return to Dreamland
- [1422] Tribes
- [1394] Batman: Arkham City
- [1393] Dark Souls
- [1352] Sonic Generations
- [1351] F1 2011
- [1350] Dirt 3
- [1324] Trine 2
- [1282] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1281] Dark Souls
- [1227] Dead Island
- [1175] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1174] Dark Souls
- [1116] battlefield 3 [multiplayer]
- [1095] deus ex: human revolution
- [1094] batman: arkham city
- [1090] the elder scrolls v: skyrim
- [1068] The Witcher 2
- [1067] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1065] Xenoblade
- [997] Killing Floor
- [996] Skyrim
- [994] Batman Arkham City
- [991] Bulletstorm
- [927] Tribes: Ascend
- [889] Portal 2
- [883] Super Meatboy
- [882] Trine 2
- [881] Rayman Origins
- [880] The Binding of Isaac
- [863] Sonic Generations
- [838] Saints Row the Third
- [834] Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine
- [832] Portal 2
- [826] Motorstorm Apocalypse
- [814] Dawn of War 2 Retribution
- [807] Magicka
- [804] LittleBigPlanet 2
- [741] Skyward Sword
- [592] The Binding of Isaac
- [479] Dark Souls
- [478] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [387] Dungeon Defenders
- [339] Bastion
- [323] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [285] Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [284] Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [271] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [255] Skyrim
- [243] The Witcher 2
- [233] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [225] Sonic Generations
- [209] Pushmo
- [181] Catherine
- [31] skyward sword
- [30] Dark Souls
- [29] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [28] Sonic Generations
- [27] Dead Space 2
- [26] Kirby Mass Attack
- [25] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Dark Souls - [24] Catherine
Rehash Award for least improved sequel
- [1472] Portal 21
- [1397] Assassin's Creed Revelations
- [1396] COD: MW3
- [1395] Dragon Age 2
- [1353] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [1325] Saints Row The Third
- [1283] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [1247] the ico & shadow of the colossus collection
- [1246] metal gear solid: hd collection
- [1178] Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
- [1177] Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
- [1176] Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
- [1061] the lord of the rings: war in the north
- [1045] ncaa football 12
- [1041] cars 2
- [1039] shift 2: unleashed
- [1035] mlb 11: the show
- [1034] major league baseball 2k11
- [1033] fight night champion
- [1032] mario kart 7
- [1031] need for speed: the run
- [1030] the king of fighters xiii
- [1029] wwe 12
- [1028] marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds
- [1026] call of duty: modern warfare 3
- [1019] fifa manager 12
- [1018] football manager 2012
- [1015] might and magic heroes vi
- [1008] just dance 3
- [1005] the sims 3: pets
- [1000] Uncharted 3
- [998] dead rising 2: off the record
- [989] nba 2k12
- [986] fifa 12
- [981] disgaea 4: a promise unforgotten
- [980] resistance 3
- [975] resident evil code: veronica x
- [974] resident evil 4 hd
- [973] Modern Warfare 3
- [970] nhl 12
- [969] rugby world cup 2011
- [967] madden nfl 12
- [961] call of juarez: the cartel
- [959] harry potter and the deathly hallows – part 2
- [954] resident evil: the mercenaries 3d
- [953] dynasty warriors: gundam 3
- [951] MW3
- [950] f.e.a.r. 3
- [940] socom 4: u.s. navy seals
- [937] nascar the game: 2011
- [935] Star Fox 64 3D
- [934] Zelda OoT 3D
- [932] cowadooty
- [919] tiger woods pga tour 12
- [904] lego star wars iii: the clone wars
- [901] dynasty warriors 7
- [885] killzone 3
- [884] mw3
- [879] yakuza 4
- [875] assassin's creed: revelations
- [872] Not Mw3
- [865] the legend of zelda: skyward sword
- [861] tropico 4
- [859] dragon age ii
- [835] Gears of War 3
- [830] Skyrim
- [829] Duke Nukem Forever
- [828] Crysis 2
- [825] Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword
- [824] Portal 2
- [819] SOCOM 4
- [806] Dead Space 2
- [803] fable iii
- [789] Dragon Age 2
- [768] Dungeon Siege III
- [756] Duke Nukem Forever
- [749] Dragon Age 2
- [708] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [692] Mario Kart 7
- [689] Battlefield 3
- [687] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [649] call of duty modern warfare 3
- [634] Call of Duty: MW3
- [593] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [591] Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3
- [499] Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- [495] Dragon Age II
- [482] Gears of War 3
- [481] Uncharted 3: Drake's Dragondildo
- [480] Dragon Age 2
- [436] Assassin's Creed Revelations
- [397] Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
- [381] Cave Story+
- [332] Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- [316] Battlefield 3
- [313] Reddit
- [229] 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure
- [198] Tropico 4
- [105] Battlefield 3
- [104] Battlefield 3
- [103] Halo Anniversary doesn't really fit the category, it's supposed to be a remake. It'd be like bitching about how Ocarina of Time 3DS didn't add new features.
- [102] Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
- [101] Minecraft: Portable Edition
- [100] >SSFIV:Arcade edition nominated for least improved sequel
>it's an update to a game that vastly improved it's predecessor
not even a tourneyfag - [99] UMVC3
Disappoint Award for most misleading trailer
- [1471] Skyrim
- [1401] SWTOR
- [1400] Cataclysm
- [1399] Dead Island
- [1398] Skyrim
- [1354] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1326] From Dust
- [1286] Dead Island
- [1179] DmC: Devil May Cry
- [1086] SWTOR
- [1084] from dust
- [1071] Dragon Age 2
- [1001] Dead Island
- [952] Dead Island
- [816] Sims Medieval
- [811] Dead Island
- [774] Magicka
- [693] Minecraft
- [685] Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SW:TOR )
- [684] Dead Island
- [675] Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
- [622] Dead Island
- [598] GTA V
- [570] Dead Island
- [504] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [485] Dead Island?
- [484] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [472] Dead Island
- [432] Dead Island
- [402] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [400] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [298] Brink
- [106] MGR:R
Hyperbole Award for most impressive trailer
- [1470] Skyrim
- [1404] Meet the Medic
- [1403] Dead Island
- [1402] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1355] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1288] Dark Souls
- [1251] The last of us
- [1182] Prototype 2
- [1181] Darksiders II
- [1180] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1102] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1087] The Witcher 2
- [1075] deus ex: human revolution
- [1004] Dead Island
- [926] Dead Islan (the game is crap though)
- [886] Sonic Generations
- [874] Deus ex: Human Revolution
- [820] Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Cinematic Trailer
- [700] DarkSydePhil
- [694] Portal 2
- [686] Dark Souls
- [600] Assassin's Creed: Revelations (E3 Trailer)
- [530] Crusader Kings II Seven Sins Series
- [507] Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- [496] Fus Ro Dah (skyrimjobs)
- [488] Batman: Arkham City
- [487] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [430] Trackmania 2
- [377] Dota 2
- [360] Revengeance
- [350] Dark Souls - Official E3 2011 Trailer
- [340] The Witcher 2 Launch Trailer - Hope
- [251] Battlefield 3 E3 trailer
- [75] Skyrim (live action trailer)
- [74] Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
- [73] The Last of Us
- [72] The Withcer 2 (Hope)
- [71] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Live Action)
- [70] Bioshock infinity
Ace Combat - [68] DotA 2
- [67] assassins creed revelations not in here? ishygddt
- [66] Dark Souls
- [65] Arkham City Hugo Strange Trailer or Mr. Freeze Trailer
- [64] The Elder Scrolls IV Skyrim
Reddit Award for most hated fanbase this year
- [1469] Skyrim
- [1468] Minecraft
- [1452] MLP
- [1411] PC
- [1410] Consoles
- [1409] Mortal Kombat
- [1408] League of Legends
- [1407] Minecraft
- [1406] Skyrim
- [1405] COD: MW3
- [1357] Starcraft 2
- [1356] League of Legends
- [1290] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [1289] Minecraft
- [1265] anti-terraria fanatics
- [1187] Minecraft
- [1186] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1185] Fighting Games in General
- [1184] Marvel VS Capcom
- [1183] Street Fighter IV
- [1107] starcraft ii fanatics
- [1098] capcom fanatics
- [1097] devil may cry fanatics
- [1096] bioware fanatics
- [1085] Fun is a Buzzword guys
- [1083] Zelda Shota Fans
- [1082] Biodrones
- [1066] Ignorant PC Master Race
- [1011] Dragon Age 2
- [1009] Mincraft
- [1007] Skyrim
- [1002] League of Legends
- [993] Modern Warfare 3
- [931] Sanic always
- [924] Cowwa Doody fanbase
- [877] Minecraft
- [871] Battlefield 3
- [839] My Little Pony fanbase
- [822] Biodrones
- [788] Minecraft fanbase
- [766] League of Legends
- [699] Minecraft
- [661] Bioware fans aka Biodrones
- [605] Arrow in the Kneerim
- [602] Ponies
- [594] Star Wars The Old Republic
- [574] Skyrim
- [512] My Little Pony
- [510] Minecraft
- [506] Underage kiddies
- [505] Biodrones
- [503] Bethesdrones
- [501] Sonyfags
- [500] Redditfags
- [489] Biodrones
- [389] Sony Fanbase
- [112] Minecraft Fanbase
- [111] World of Warcraft
- [110] World Of Warcraft Fanbase
- [109] CAD
- [108] TF2 fanbase
- [107] SC2 Fanbase
Teabagging Award for worst video game related event
- [1467] Minecon
- [1414] reddit gaming awards
- [1413] MineCon
- [1412] VGA's
- [1358] Spike TV's Video Game Awards
- [1294] Felacio Day epic fruit ninja xD!!
- [1293] origin
- [1292] Teabagging
- [1188] Anything Capcom has done
- [1106] tier list posts
- [1105] dragon dildo threads
- [1104] starcraft ii e-sports & threads
- [1103] major league gaming
- [1101] blizzcon
- [1100] minecon
- [1080] Deutscher Entwicker Preis
- [1069] Minecon
- [1012] VGA's
- [933] VGAs
- [930] VGA
- [906] Spike VGAs
- [851] Spike TV VGA
- [701] MineCon
- [683] E3 2011
- [682] Spike's VGA
- [677] Minecon 2011
- [624] Minecon
- [609] MineCon
- [595] Spike VGAs
- [521] E3
- [517] Starcraft 2 Tournaments
- [515] The Pulse
- [511] VGAs
- [497] Spike Video Game Awards
- [490] VGA Awards
- [464] codXP
- [462] Spike VGAs
- [408] Mincecon 2011
- [399] Minecon
- [398] Minecon
- [355] Minecon
- [336] BioWare Comic-Con Sideshow
- [306] Minecon
- [304] BioWare E3 sideshow
- [289] MineCon
- [248] Minecon
- [245] Minecon
- [182] Minecon
- [157] Reddit
- [156] Minecon
Blunder of the Year for setting a new standard for failure
- [1476] Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- [1475] RAGE
- [1458] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1455] Mists of Pandera
- [1423] SW: TOR
- [1416] Dragon Age 2
- [1415] Brink
- [1364] Minecon/Minecraft's 'Release'
- [1359] Hideo Kojima's speech at the VGA's
- [1327] Duke Nukem: Forever
- [1307] driver: san francisco
- [1295] Duke Nukem Forever
- [1241] dead rising 2: off the record
- [1240] dead space 2
- [1239] crysis 2
- [1223] tropico 4
- [1191] Dragon Age 2
- [1190] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1189] Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
- [1166] Red Orchestra 2
- [1114] dead island
- [1113] marvel vs. capcom 3: fate of two worlds
- [1112] fable iii
- [1111] dragon age ii
- [1110] duke nukem forever
- [1109] star wars: the old republic
- [1108] from dust
- [1079] Dragon Age 2
- [1050] Duke Nukem
- [1020] Pretty much everyting Molyneux says and does.
- [1006] Duke Nukem:Forever
- [1003] Duke Nukem Forever
- [960] The old Republic
- [955] Brink
- [918] The Binding of Isaac
- [903] Brink
- [821] Dark Spore
- [818] Sims Medieval
- [813] Brink
- [812] Nintendo 3DS
- [808] Dungeons
- [782] Dragon Age 2
- [778] Brink
- [772] Duke Nukem Forever
- [770] Brink
- [754] Dragon Age 2
- [753] Dragon Age 2
- [722] Duke Nukem Forever
- [695] Minecraft/MineCon
- [681] Rayman Origins
- [680] Homefront
- [679] Brink
- [678] Star Wars: The Old Republic ( SW:TOR )
- [676] Dragon Age 2
- [632] Mine Con
- [625] Duke Nukem Forever
- [610] Rage
- [535] Arrow Knee jokes
- [527] PSN
- [524] Duke Nukem
- [514] Dragon Age II
- [491] Dragon Age 2
- [465] Duke Nukem Forever
- [460] DC Universe Online
- [456] err Brink rather
- [455] Blink
- [454] Duke Nukem Forever
- [443] 3DS Add-on pad
- [427] Nintendo 3DS
- [424] Playstation VITA
- [404] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [375] Playstation Vita
- [373] Nintendo 3DS
- [367] Red Orchestra 2
- [341] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- [300] Sony Securities
- [292] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [276] Battlefield 3
- [261] 3DS
- [247] Minecon
- [224] Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
- [200] Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- [95] Brink
- [94] >implying that DNF isn't the blunder decade
- [93] Battlefield 3
- [92] APB
- [91] Starwars: The Old Republic
- [90] Rayman Origins
Scrub of the Year Award presented by THE BEST GAMERS
- [1481] Todd Howard
- [1466] Minecraft
- [1418] iJustine
- [1417] DarkSydePhil
- [1212] fortresscraft creator dj keemstar
- [1196] Bobby Kotick
- [1195] Yoshinori Ono
- [1194] Seth Killian
- [1193] Gootecks
- [1192] Mike Ross
- [1121] spike's vga
- [1120] notch
- [1119] robert a. kotick
- [1118] /v/ offtopic posters
- [1117] /v/ mods
- [1010] Blue (Terraria Guy)
- [917] MinecraftChick
- [899] iJustine
- [896] MinecraftChick
- [895] MinecraftChick
- [893] APB community
- [873] Notch
- [714] MinecraftGirl
- [713] iJustine
- [706] Jennifer Helper
- [705] inControl (SC2 "pro" player)
- [703] Blue (terraria)
- [702] DarkSydePhil
- [639] Girlz n Games
- [635] Dieminion
- [619] iJustine
- [618] DarkSydePhil
- [613] inCholesterol
- [603] Blue
- [543] Notch
- [539] Your Mother? Fuck I don't know
- [494] Notch
- [407] /v/
- [260] Notch
- [168] that Blue guy from Terraria
- [167] Notch
- [120] Todd Howard
- [119] Bum Tickley
- [118] /v/
- [117] Daigo
And that guy who defeated Daigo - [116] Andrew Spinks - [115] Tim Buckley
- [114] Girlz 'N' Games
- [113] /v/
Most Interesting New IP for the IP we want to see more of
- [1465] AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
- [1360] L.A. Noire
- [1296] The Last of Us
- [1258] Terraria
- [1237] Frozen Synapse
- [1197] inMomentum
- [1124] bastion
- [1123] shadows of the damned
- [1122] rage
- [1078] Xenoblade
- [1022] LA Noire
- [1021] Bulletstorm
- [809] iJustine
- [614] Bulletstorm
- [612] Tribes: Ascend
- [516] Dark Souls
- [257] Dungeons of Dredmor
- [36] ghost trick
- [35] Catherine
- [34] Dead Island
- [33] Dark Souls
- [32] Catherine
Audiophile Award for best sound
- [1421] Skyrim
- [1420] Portal 2
- [1419] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1361] Dirt 3
- [1328] Battlefield 3
- [1228] Battlefield 3
- [1224] battlefield 3
- [1222] mortal kombat
- [1198] RAGE
- [1141] The boing sound in Portal 2
- [1140] FUS RO DAH
- [1091] Skyward Sword
- [1055] Monmusu Quest
- [1048] World of Warcraft
- [1023] Uncharted 3
- [1014] Battlefield 3
- [898] Battlefield 3
- [897] Sonic Generations
- [817] Dark Souls
- [743] Skyward Sword
- [652] Battlefield 3
- [615] Battlefield 3
- [520] Battlefield 3
- [396] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [53] Skyrim
- [52] El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
- [51] Professor layton and the last specter. Seriously listen to this goddam stuff.
- [50] Battlefield 3
- [49] Sonic Generations
- [48] VVVVVV
- [47] Skyward Sword
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon - [46] The Witcher 2.
For this: - [45] Sonic Generations
That game had some really, really great tracks on there.
They were for the vast majority reworkings of songs from other Sonic games, but this game did audio right. - [44] Frozen Synapse - The soundtrack is very nice, electronic without being repetitive, with some wubstep elements without being WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB. It really is a testament to how certain instruments, sound motifs, or symbols can be ruined by inexperienced artists, but can be used to great effect by masterful sound artists. Good Job, FZ.
- [43] Dark Souls
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - [42] Catherine
- [41] Dark Souls
Eargasm Award for best soundtrack
- [1480] Crysis 2
- [1479] DiRT 3
- [1478] Dark Souls
- [1477] Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- [1451] Sonic Generations
- [1450] Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1426] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [1425] Bastion
- [1424] Skyrim
- [1363] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1362] Dirt 3
- [1297] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [1242] portal 2
- [1238] shadows of the damned
- [1234] deus ex: human revolution
- [1229] Kirby's Return to Dreamland
- [1226] battlefield 3
- [1221] pro evolution soccer 2012
- [1199] BlazBlue Continuum Shift II
- [1139] FUS RO DAH
- [1138] Portal 2
- [1137] Pokemon B/W
- [1136] Minecraft
- [1135] Terraria
- [1134] Bastion
- [1125] NieR
- [1024] Uncharted 3
- [1016] Xenoblade
- [948] Cave Story
- [891] Bastion
- [890] Sonic Generations
- [802] Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [800] The Witcher 2
- [799] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [742] Skyward Sword
- [621] The Binding of Isaac
- [617] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [599] Deus Ex Human Revolution
- [523] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [447] Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Arcade)
- [394] The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
- [393] Portal 2
- [386] Battlefield 3
- [376] mario kart 7
- [374] the legend of zelda skyward sword
- [368] Bastion
- [365] Deus Ex
- [362] Bastion Original Soundtrack
- [354] The Witcher 2
- [351] TES: Skyrim
- [349] Portal 2
- [348] Xenoblade Chronicles
- [347] Sonic Generations
- [345] Skyrim
- [344] Deus Ex HR
- [343] Bastion
- [337] Sonic Generations
- [330] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [327] Portal 2
- [326] Bastion
- [325] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [322] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [320] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [315] inMomentum
- [314] Portal 2
- [311] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [303] Bastion
- [297] Sonic Generations
- [282] Batman Arkham City
- [281] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [280] The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings
- [279] Sonic Generations
- [278] Zelda SS
- [277] Portal 2
- [268] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [265] Bastion
- [256] Build that wall (Zia's Theme) - Bastion
- [244] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [238] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [216] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- [211] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- [208] Portal 2
- [207] 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
- [206] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [205] Sonic Generations
- [203] Sonic Generations
- [195] Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- [194] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [193] Portal 2
- [192] Bastion
- [191] Frozen Synapse
- [190] Child of Eden
- [189] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- [188] El Shaddai
- [187] Dark Souls
- [186] Monster Girl Quest
- [185] Catherine
Weeaboo Award for visual novel of the year
- [1457] Monmusu Quest
- [1428] Fuck
- [1329] Trine 2
- [1298] Monster Girl Quest
- [1200] Monster Girl Quest
- [1076] Monster Girl Quest
- [1025] None.
- [867] kawaii uguu loli cat
- [690] Hatoful Boyfriend
- [623] Monster Girl Quest
- [405] Katawa Shoujo
- [388] Umineko No Naku Koro Ni: Requiem of the Golden Witch
- [331] maji de watashi ni koi shinasai
- [223] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- [81] Monster Girl Quest
- [80] Corruption of Champions
- [79] Violated Heroine isn't even close to being a visual novel
- [78] Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
- [77] Remove 999 from the list; it was released in 2009/2010.
- [76] Katawa Shoujo was never officially released. Rance Quest isn't fully translated yet. Catherine, Fate/Extra, and Atelier Totori aren't VNs. Violated Heroine wasn't released in 2011.
Activision Award for crimes against gaming
- [1433] $15 DLC
- [1432] Ubisoft
- [1431] DRM
- [1430] EA
- [1429] Origin
- [1330] MineCon
- [1299] Activision
- [1255] US Congress for SOPA
- [1225] Rocksteady Studios
- [1217] fortresscraft
- [1207] Anything Bethesda has done
- [1206] Anything Activision has done
- [1205] Anything Capcom has done
- [1204] Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
- [1203] Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
- [1202] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- [1201] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- [1099] Magicka
- [1027] 40 Days of DRM
- [971] THQ
- [939] Bioware
- [922] Valve: No Episode 3
- [900] Spike TV
- [894] Origin
- [869] Black Ops Map Packs
- [836] Dragon Age 2
- [764] Bethesda for claiming Skyrim was a "new engine" that was "completely written from the ground up"
- [720] Ubisoft
- [718] EA
- [717] Capcom
- [658] Call of Juarez: The Cartel
- [640] Call of Duty ELITE
- [626] Ubisoft (DRM)
- [601] Markus "Notch" Persson
- [556] Ubisoft
- [554] Activision (for being Activision)
- [549] Crapcom (MML3)
- [547] EA (Origin)
- [545] EA for creating Origins
- [446] Activision
- [445] EA
- [391] Notch
- [366] Valve
- [353] Online Sales
- [352] GSC
- [275] Day 1 DLC
- [246] SOPA
- [98] /r/gaming
- [97] Wanting "Call of Duty's audience"
- [96] Xbox 360 owners who eat up Microsoft's bulshit